How To Handle A Car Accident Without Insurance

how do you deal with the situation when you get into an accident? Don’t worry, that’s what we’re here to tell you!Car accidents are already disorienting and stressful as it is, but can you imagine how much more nerve wracking it would be without insurance? In fact, many states require individuals to have insurance first before being allowed to drive a vehicle. That’s because it’s a lot more convenient for all the parties involved if everyone has insurance that will take care most, if not all, of the financial burdens that vehicular accidents bring.

However, we also know that not every place requires it and that not every car owner has it. So how do you deal with the situation when you get into an accident? Don’t worry, that’s what we’re here to tell you!

Do Not Leave The Scene Of The Accident
As you may have already feared, the damages you will have to pay after a car accident can be very expensive for those who don’t have insurance. The car repair costs alone for your car, if it can still actually be fixed, can already make you nervous. So the urge to just run away and escape all that is strong. But, you should never, under any circumstances, attempt to do this. This is called a “hit and run” and can lead to jail time, lawsuits, and more.

The best way to pull through is by staying calm and keeping your presence of mind. Pull over to the side of the road, turn your blinkers, and get out of the car. If you’re able to move, see if there are other people involved in the crash. If there are people that looked even the slightest injured, call your areas’ emergency hotline immediately. Call the police too. Don’t move anything. Just let the police take notes on the car accident.

You need to ensure that you get written statements from both the police and the eyewitnesses at this point. Depending on the state, police might also give you information on how to handle a car accident without insurance — and that can prove vital later on.

Try To Work With The Person’s Insurance Policy
There’s a possibility that the driver who you hit may have insurance policies that cover uninsured drivers. In fact, many states make this rider a mandatory part of insurance. So, don’t panic; there’s a good chance that the insurance will help pay a large portion of the bills.

Additionally, most insurance policies in “fault states” will make the person who was responsible for the accident pay most of the damages. If he hit you with his car while ignoring traffic rules, you may be off the hook. If the accident was your fault, you may end up getting sued for damages — or be asked to pay via insurance policies.

What The Uninsured Needs To Know When It Comes To Handling Car Accident Aftermath
Before anything else, what you should keep in mind is that you should try not to panic. Not every car accident involves an action packed scenario where a bunch of people end up getting injured or dying.

Oftentimes, the financial aspect of the accident is not as huge as you imagine it to be. Yes, they can cost a lot but not to the point that it will bankrupt you. As long as you budget well, you should be good to go.

In most cases, insurance companies will just ask you to cover their client’s deductible — or will put together a good faith payment plan that works with your finances. It may make things harder, but it won’t, by any means, be impossible to put food on the table.

If You Feel You Have A Claim To Make As An Uninsured Person, You Might Want To Grab An Attorney
In case anyone involved in the accident got injured or had major damage in their vehicles, seeking legal advice from a professional is always recommended. This way you’ll have someone represent you and deal with the legal consequences, whether you’re the one at fault or not.

But, if you’re the victim and it’s not your fault, personal injury lawyers know how to get you compensation for your injuries that most insurance companies will not pay. Just because you’re not insured doesn’t mean you have to suffer a financial drawback after an accident. Get yourself a lawyer.

It doesn’t even mean that it will lead to a lawsuit for you to get a fair settlement. Actually, that’s not necessary all the time. Your lawyer simply needs to represent you and relay important information to the insurance company to settle the case. Most of the time, that’s all it needs for you to get compensated. But in cases where the insurance company still refuses to pay, then you already have a lawyer that will help you with a lawsuit.

Remember, nowadays, testimonies from the people in the accident involved as well as the possible witnesses aren’t enough to stand in court. You’ll be able to make your case stronger if you have solid proofs like pictures and videos. Aside from that, it will be easier for you to claim compensation from any insurance company when you’re armed with evidence rather than just statements.

Documentation And Pursuing Your Claims The Right Way Is Vital
Accidents happen, but that doesn’t mean you need to shoulder all the financial burden yourself. That’s why you need to learn how to handle a car accident; it’s about protecting yourself and your bank account. By keeping a level head, documenting everything, and actually following up with people, you’ll be able to walk away relatively unscathed.