What The Color Of Your Car Reveal About You

Did you know that, subconsciously, the choices you make says a lot about your personality? Yes, even when it comes to the color that you pick for your vehicle!Did you know that, subconsciously, the choices you make says a lot about your personality? Yes, even when it comes to the color that you pick for your vehicle! You might think that you’re choosing depending on other outside factors like trend or availability. But apparently, people cannot help but express, it may not be explicit but we still gravitate towards things that say who we are.

The color red itself screams passion and boldness. There’s no doubt that anyone drawn to this color has that outgoing, aggressive, fun and impulsive side in that wants to get out one way or another. Which means red car owners are more likely to be really restless and extroverted, not to mention very self-assured and is often the life of the party.

Basically, driving a red-colored car is your way of saying “Hey! Look how awesome I am/my car is!” It’s a freeway equivalent of exhibitionist.

There are gray colored cars and there are silver colored ones, if you’re choosing to go with gray then it’s definitely an intentional choice. You definitely know that the two seemingly identical colors are actually not the same.

Gray is the muted and toned down color while silver is the flashy one. So those who drive a color gray car are practically trying to steer clear from unnecessary attention and simply want things to go as smoothly as possible may it be driving, traffic or life in general. If you can, you’d rather be on the safer side of things than rock the boat.

While silver is a lot like gray in terms of color, silver likes to own it. You work hard for things so you have no problem showing the fruits of your labor, so to speak. Since silver is just like gray but has a metallic gleam that resembles stainless steel appliances and modern technology, you’re practically trying to say that you’re smart, knows what you’re doing and that you’re doing very well.

You like to be classic and sophisticated and hope you look the part. “A silver car color indicates that you’re a high-class lady or gentleman with an eye on the upscale,” environmental psychologist, Sally Augustin says. “Your status is higher in the world, and you’re not afraid to show it.”

Blue reminds people of the sky and ocean which is very calming and relaxing. Blue cars act as a tiny bit of sunny sky on an otherwise gray and bleak highway or street. So if you own a blue car, you’re probably compassionate, optimistic, stable, honest and serene. You pride yourself for being confident and knowledgeable at the same time. Sometimes people mistake you for being a little too out there but you’re actually very sensitive enough to try to find common ground with someone you may not relate to at first.

Green is a very earthy color. So it would be no surprise if you’re the type who pulls over to marvel at a beautiful landscape that you happen to spot while driving and goes out of your way to fill your car with more environmentally friendly fuel. Nature loving individuals also tend to be very keen on who they are so they don’t feel the need to fit a mold or conform to society. So even with the backlash against green cars resulting in fewer ones in showrooms and on the road, you don’t care and would buy and drive a green car simply because you like it.

But even with that personality you’re still gentle and patient, probably because you feel much grounded with the nature which other people, on the other hand, mistake as weakness and attempt to take advantage of sometimes.

Another earthy tone that exudes being down-to-earth, thrifty, and honest. But has a downside of saying the wrong things at the wrong time. So, basically, those who prefer vehicles in these colors tend to not really care about anything else about a car aside from performance and longevity. In fact, if you can buy a used car that is still in really good condition, you’d totally go for it and drive it as long as the car is still running.

These colors are bright and bring joy to people looking at them. So people who are very cheerful, imaginative, wise, have a good sense of humor and possibly younger (or young at heart) tend to pick cars in yellow or gold.

Since younger people are more open to trends and vivid colors, they’re also usually much more of a risk taker. Although you have a good feel for things which allows you to take risks that don’t result in such big losses.

Orange may seem like a wacky color for a car, but if your ride is this hue, it means you’re comfortable with value and saving money.
If you’re driving an orange car, you’re saying to the world, “I do a good job of minding my money,” Augustin says.

You’re also saying, “Look world, I saved a lot of money for this head-turner!” You’d rather invest your money (like in a good car with a little bit of flash) than pamper yourself.

You’re also not afraid to go against the tide when it comes to things you like. Orange is the least popular car color in the United States — but you don’t care!

This color is often associated with luxury and sophistication. Think attending a formal party and you’d probably picture black suits and little black dresses. Therefore, driving a black car shows you like to look dignified and striking without being showy. You like to be in control, important and relevant. But you don’t like to be too forward about it so you don’t really show off which makes you look a bit mysterious. You’re one of those people who keeps people guessing and like their success speak for them. Or those who get a flat tire in the middle of the night with no car repair shops in sight and still be calm because you know how to handle the situation at hand and there’s no need to panic.

Black is a power color is a way that doesn’t need a lot of noise or drama—it’s just is.

White is associated with honesty and purity. If your car is white, you have taste and elegance and strive for perfection. Yet, sometimes, you find yourself longing for a more simple life.

If you’re driving a white car, you want to present a fresh, young, modern face to the outside world, says Augustin. She points to contemporary brands, like Apple, that use white to convey freshness and modernity.

Dos And Don’ts Of Child Safety In Cars

despite the picture perfect idea, you have to be realistic and know that there are challenges when traveling with kids. To lessen the stress and make sure you both get to your destination safely and enjoy the ride, here are some tips that may come in handy.Once you start having kids, you’d start wanting to take them to different places too along with all the basic necessary trips like doctor’s appointments, school, etc.

However, despite the picture perfect idea, you have to be realistic and know that there are challenges when traveling with kids. To lessen the stress and make sure you both get to your destination safely and enjoy the ride, here are some tips that may come in handy.

DO Stop Frequently (Unless Your Baby Is Napping)
Stopping a couple of times, especially if you expect the travel to take hours, isn’t only good for the baby but also for you and the other passengers. This keeps the baby from being bored which usually results to crying and allows you to stretch as well since long drives can really make your body feel stiff.

DO Use The Right Car Seat For Each Child
All infants and toddlers should ride in a rear-facing car safety seat (CSS) as long as possible, until they reach the highest weight or height allowed by their CSS manufacturer. Most convertible seats have limits that will permit children to ride rear-facing for two years or more.

DO Get Your Child’s Seat Installed And Inspected At A Car Seat Safety Checkpoint Near You
Installing a car seat may seem straightforward but if you haven’t done it before there’s a chance you may not do it properly. You can’t leave things like this to chance, so make sure it is properly installed.

You’ll know it is done correctly when you can’t move it more than an inch in any direction. But even if you’re pretty confident, you should still get it inspected at a car seat safety checkpoint near you. Check the safety seat regularly to make sure the seat belt hasn’t loosened over time, allowing the safety seat to tip or move from side to side.

DO Make Sure Your Children Buckle Up – NO Exceptions
Train your kids as early as possible to look for every belt in the car, how to secure them and to use all of them. Most cars have a lap and shoulder belt that buckle as a unit but some have two separate belts, one lap and one shoulder. Some have a lap belt only. Make sure you buckle them up with that your car has every single time so that they learn to do the same on their own eventually. Also teach them not to tuck the belt under their armpit, even if they think it is more comfortable that way. Doing so makes the belt less effective in a crash.

DO Buckle Up Yourself – Lead By Example And Your Children Will Be More Likely To Follow
The simplest thing to do for safety but many people still don’t do it. Now, forcing you kids to buckle up when you yourself isn’t doing it is sending the wrong message. Remember that kids always copy what the adults do, so you should lead by example. As soon as your child turns forward in the car, their driver’s education begins too. Pay attention to how you behave too just as you ensure their safety onboard.

DO Secure Your Gear
Any loose odds and ends in the car can become dangerous projectiles if you have a crash or even if you just have to jam on the brakes. When you’re driving with kids, whether they’re still using rear facing car seats or not, make sure you don’t put any heavy items on the shelf behind the rear seat. Use cargo anchors to secure loose items in the trunk. if you do have heavy items, always put them on the floor or as far forward in the cargo area as possible and don’t put anything on top of it that could fly into the seat area.

Even people become projectiles when you don’t buckle up, especially for those sitting at the back. This can injure themselves as well as the people in the front seat which is why you must use the seatbelt at all times.

DON’T Text And Drive
Mobile phones are extremely important these days. However, texting, calling, social media, and games are all mind consuming which is dangerous when you’re on the road. When it comes to driving, you can’t multitask like that and expect that it’s impossible for you to accidentally hit on the gas or make an abrupt stop in the middle of a busy highway. Imagine either of those happening with a child in the car, not pleasant right?

DON’T Place A Rear-Facing Car Seat In The Front Seat Or Near Airbags
Children 12 years and under should always ride in the rear seat in an appropriate child seat or with the vehicle’s seat belt.

DON’T Leave Children In Hot Cars
Remember that babies can’t adjust to temperature changes as well as adults. Babies can lose heat rapidly, nearly 4 times faster than an adult. This is why it’s very important that you make sure it isn’t too hot or too cold in the car when you’re travelling with a baby otherwise you’d be dealing with a fussy child throughout the ride. To make sure your car’s temperature is always right; it would be a wise decision to install window tints on your car. It helps reduce heat and glare so you can rest assured that you’ll have a comfortable ride.